HALEYVILLE - One of the assistant principals at Haleyville Elementary School has resigned before his actual effective hire date, with the board of education naming his replacement at an early morning special called meeting Thursday, July 11.
Front row, From left, Haleyville City Schools Peer Helpers members Jacob Crook, Caroline Hooker and SGA members Addison Adams and Cydney Yeager. Back row, from left, Meagan Vickery, coordinator the middle school Peer Helpers program, Susan Loller, organizer of the clothes closet; Middle School Assistant Principal Emily Faulkner; Principal Bo Wilcoxson and Pam Woodard, organizer of the clothes closet.
HALEYVILLE - Students and faculty with a heart for helping those in need are asking the public to join them in making donations of much-needed shoes and snacks for Haleyville City School students.
Shown from left are Haleyville Middle School Principal Bo Wilcoxson, current HMS Assistant Principal Dr. Elyse Aldridge, current HES Assistant Principal Emily Faulkner, HES Principal Tammy Hatton and Haleyville City Schools Superintendent Dr. Holly Sutherland. Aldridge and Faulkner will be swapping positions as of June 1.
HALEYVILLE - Students at both the Haleyville elementary and middle school campuses will see new faces in the roles of assistant principals for the new school year.
HCS Superintendent Dr. Holly Sutherland talks to the board in a work session about the proposal of hiring a new assistant principal at the elementary school, to work with current administrators. From left, board members Brian Vickery, Beth McAlpine, Donna Jones, Chad Tidwell, Boo Haughton and Chief School Financial Officer Candy Marbutt.
HALEYVILLE - As personnel adjustments are being made over the next month at Haleyville City Schools, the idea for an additional elementary assistant principal to work with the existing principals has been brought to the table for discussion.