Wild Alabama

Forest bathing in the Bankhead

BANKHEAD NATIONAL FOREST - Join Certified Forest Bathing Guide and Wild Alabama Outreach and Education Coordinator Janice Barrett and Certified Forest Bathing Guide Anne Markham Bailey for a Harvest Moon Forest Bathing Walk in the Bankhead National Forest from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 21. (The location for this month's program will be revealed to those who sign up.)

Legacy Trails Workday in the Sipsey Wilderness with Wild Alabama


Join Wild Alabama volunteers on Friday, Sept. 6, Saturday, Sept. 7, Friday, Sept. 20, or Friday, Sept. 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. for an opportunity to work on the repair and restoration of trails in the Sipsey Wilderness.

Thanks to a Legacy Trails grant, Wild Alabama had professional trail builders analyze and diagnose the erosion issues on over 20 miles of Sipsey Wilderness trails. Armed with that knowledge, Wild Alabama is now ready to make improvements.

Tucker retiring as DSES principal to become Wild Alabama executive director

Heather Tucker, right, is retiring as Double Springs Elementary School principal and has accepted the position of executive director of Wild Alabama, replacing Maggie Johnston, left, who is retiring.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - Major personnel changes are taking place for both Double Springs Elementary School and Wild Alabama.

Biodiversity discovered at Natural Bridge Bioblitz

A male redspot darter, bright with breeding colors during spawning season, collected from Natural Bridge Park during the bioblitz.
NATURAL BRIDGE - During a recent bioblitz at Natural Bridge Park, organized by Wild Alabama (WA), scientists, university and high school students and members of the public inventoried living species in the park.

Walker Area Foundation presents Wild Alabama $35,000 grant

From left, Walker Area Community Foundation President Paul Kennedy, Kim Waites, Wild Alabama Wilderness Stewardship Coordinator; Lindsay Madison, stewardship assistant; Brittany Seaborg, stewardship coordinator - Talladega National Forest, Maggie Johnston, Wild Alabama Executive Director and Janice Barrett, outreach and education coordinator. (Courtesy photo)
WINSTON COUNTY - The recent Wild Alabama volunteer picnic was made even sweeter by a visit from the Walker Area Community Foundation.

Walker Area Foundation spreads Christmas cheer through grants

The Arley Women’s Club will purchase a sensory dome for Hamner Park with funds granted from the Walker Area Community Foundation. Shown in the discovery cave at the park is Laura Ulz, chairwoman of the park committee. Standing from left are Terre Sutherland and Barbara Wills, president of the AWC.
WINSTON COUNTY - For the greater good is the mission for many non-profit agencies, and local ones are benefiting from the generosity of a Walker County organization, which are in turn helping the public.