Proposed bill would help sheriff and volunteer firefighters
Lt. Zena Ingram with the Delmar Fire Department shows the scrap collected by the fire department to sell in order to have funds for the department.
HALEYVILLE - Carlie Pendley, a native of Haleyville, was recently initiated into the University of Tennessee Southern Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society. The Society welcomed 1,869 new initiates from 78 universities during April 2023.
ARLEY - An employment opportunity is available in Arley through NACOLG's Senior Employment Program. On April 3, the Arley Town Council voted to hire “a senior aid” to work in Hamner Park through the program. The position was posted on April 18. Participants in the program must be 55 or older and have an income of not more than $18,225 for a one-person household or $24,650 for a two-person household. Eligible individuals can pick up an application at Arley Town Hall. The deadline to apply is May 1.
OXFORD, MISS. - Kylie Wright, of Crane Hill, has been honored as part of the 2022-2023 class of Who's Who Among Students at the University of Mississippi, aka Ole Miss. Wright received her honor on April 14, at the Gertrude C. Ford Center for the Performing Arts.
Wright is pursuing a degree in biomedical engineering.