RPS donates ambulance to rescue squad

An ambulance donated by RPS (at right) has now joined the Winston County Rescue Squad’s first ambulance (at left), purchased in June, at the squad’s base at Arley Fire Department, giving the WCRS the two ambulances it needs to be certified to operate. Shown here are, front row, RPS Director of Operations Robin Earley, WCRS’ Cody Wakefield, WCRS Board of Directors President Pat Hanna, RPS’ Brittany Alexander, WCRS BoD Member James Rickett of Arley Fire Department, and back row, Helicon Fire Department’s Greg
ARLEY - The Winston County Rescue Squad (WCRS) is a big step closer to being able to provide ambulance service to east Winston County now that it has the second of two ambulances it requires to operate, this one donated by Regional Paramedical Services (RPS).

Potential hazmat situation on Highway 13 in Haleyville Tuesday morning

Members of the Haleyville Fire Department, suited up in protective gear, wash off a transport truck that was hauling animal by-products on Highway 13 when it lost a portion of its load Tuesday morning.
HALEYVILLE - A trip through Haleyville during the morning of Tuesday, Aug. 8, turned into a potentially hazardous situation for a Pilgrim's Pride transport service driver, but the quick action and training of first responders kept the situation from becoming too serious.

Juvenile fabricates shooting

DOUBLE SPRINGS  -  Law enforcement are deciding on either charges or a plan of action to take against a 14-year-old juvenile who falsified information of a shooting and two male subjects at large when the juvenile was actually the one who pulled the trigger.

County's entire school bus fleet now air conditioned

These empty bus seats will soon be filled, as buses will be on the road next week picking up and dropping off students for a new school year.
WINSTON COUNTY - As a new school literally rolls around the corner, the Winston County Schools system assures their fleet of buses is ready to roll, but that the public and students show follow important safety tips before the roadways become more crowded with the large yellow student carriers.

Bethel No. 1 Baptist celebrating 150 years of serving the Lord

Bethel No. 1 Baptist Church, located in the Wilson Bend community, will begin its month-long 150th anniversary celebration this Sunday, Aug. 6.
WILSON BEND - In the southeast corner of Winston County, a powerful beacon of God’s love has been spreading the Gospel for 150 years, and there are no plans to stop answering that call to serve.

Winston BOE debates principal pay increases

Winston County Schools Superintendent Greg Pendley, center, informs the board during a working session he plans to meet with principals this week to discuss their salaries. Shown at left is Board President Joey Boteler, with Board Member Allin Bailey seated right.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - The fairness of salaries between elementary, middle and high school-level principals sparked much discussion and even disagreement at a Winston County Board of Education work session Tuesday, July 18.

State inmate caught

Joseph Ray Perkins
NORTHPORT - An Alabama Department of Corrections work release inmate housed in Hamilton and employed at Masonite in Haleyville escaped during the early morning hours Wednesday, July 19, and was apprehended the following day in the Northport area in a stolen vehicle with a loaded firearm.

Looney’s complex not closing

Winston County Arts Council President J.D. Snoddy shows the newly renovated Dual Destiny Theater at the Looney's Amphitheater and Culture Center.

LAKESHORE     -   Although the remaining shows in the summer concert series at the Looney’s Amphitheater and Culture Center, have been cancelled after this weekend, events, plans and renovations at the complex continue to thrive, assure members of the Winston County Arts Council.
“The main thing behind the decision is economics,” pointed out Bart Crabtree, owner  of Sipsey Entertainment, a company he created to provide a series of concerts featuring tribute artists for a wide range of hitmakers, including Pat Benatar, Heart, Journey and Rascal Flatts.

Rebuild Alabama grant will help rebuild two county roads

Discussing the project on County Road 4006, one of two roads that have been ground back to dirt due to its condition, from left, State Representative Tim Wadsworth, District 1 County Commissioner Rutger Hyche, Winston County Commission Chairman Roger Hayes and Winston County Road Engineer James Glasgow.
CRANE HILL - Two of the worst roads in Winston County’s commission district 1 will now receive resurface treatment, with a portion of funding coming through a Rebuild Alabama grant, Governor Kay Ivey has announced.